Friday, July 10, 2009
This post shall henceforth be known as Breaks.Not too long ago, breaks meant 3 hours on the computer. "What a waste of time", you might say. I totally agree. Only now that I see it doesn't mean I can change it. Now, breaks no longer mean such long hours in front of a digital screen(although sometimes I get distracted and I stay there for an hour or so) but training. Yes, training. No I don't mean the crazy 3 hours hockey training people like Mali and gang go through, nor do I mean the endless irony in running for hours and hours in the track team just to run as fast, or rather, as short a time as you can, but the kicking of a football in my room. No don't worry. Up to this point in time, nothing has been broken. Kicking that once brand new but now faded and scratched(stabbed more like) ball around for half an hour to an hour is like gold. The satisfaction gained from improving in ones proficiency at dribbling/trapping/whatever it is you're doing is by far greater than spoiling your eyesight. Sometimes, I don't want to stop at all. Which would be a bad thing. The sad thing is, in order to get into VJ = to get into a good school to satisfy parents and myself = to get to play and learn good football skills, means that I(who did not get the DSA but at the very least have the sports appeal option) must score at the very least 8 points minus 2 for Os in order to get a shot at the science stream. As many have already noticed, my humanities leave much to be desired. I shall not go on to describe to you how I manage to fail SS even after writing all the points. But yes. Sunday, July 5, 2009
I haven't blogged for a while. So it's quite a weird feeling to be here when I obviously shouldn't in light of the 8 tests I have next week.But no I'm not gonna' bore you with that. I like talking to Fammy. She makes me think when I don't think I wanna' think. Argh, and her command of English frustrates me. I'm confusing, I know. I mean to say, she makes me think of things I wouldn't normally do unless someone comes and whams me on the head. So now, she's done in a subtle more gentle manner. I'm going to go complete my geog notes now, and return in to the realm of the muggers. After which will I proceed to decide on the course of action. -------------------------- On a more frightening note, FUEL lesson was on Samson yesterday. And the trigger question was: Identify the themes in the story of Samson. I'm worried. That the horrors of Lit are beginning to unleash upon the world. Soon I will be asked to analyze the literary devices in Psalms or something. |
about me
Name: Lim Xiwen Age: 16 Birthday: 17th April 1993 Proud member of Sec 4 Unity 09' IGNYTER wishlist
1. Grow in God2. Grow taller 3. More time 4. More self-control 5. To learn how to bar 6. Fufil my resolutions 7. Leave a legacy 8. Improve in football tagboard
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