Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wow. Talk about fast.It didn't even occur to me that I had left this blog and went MIA again. Not too long ago, it felt like Os were a long time ago. Now it's tomorrow. [You know, I just realised my mac does not have the chinese typing function that my old giant block of a computer had. I am now very very sad.] Bear with me here. From experience, I will tell you 'ling shi bao fo jiao' is not a very smart thing to do at all. Argh. I have the next hour, to cram whatever new vocab I can into my teeny head, learn off all the 'gonghan' and 'sihan' formats, and basically, sort out a lot of things in life. Sure doesn't feel much like the hols huh. Oh wait, being Sec 4, I don't have hols. Right. How could I have forgotten that? Ok my point? I'm pretty much doomed. I'm those 'hao yi wu lao' types. Urgh. The only good thing I guess that has come out of all this, would be the fact that I now know at least 101 more chengyus. Yay? Ok good I guess. If only I started a week earlier. I would have gotten all 250 in. Rah. Good job Xiwen. Good. But Siaoyi is awesome. She is one of the reasons why I even managed to cram 101 chengyus in my head at all. I love you Siaoyi! ALL my seating partners are awesome I tell you. ALL. From Leryee to Puisan, Mingqi to Siaoyi. ALL. Here's a vid and a song that I just fell in love with. It's sort of like a fairy tale. And you see a dude getting eaten my a fish and is rescued by some pretty girl who buys the fish from the market. Ok fine. Abit a silly. But beautiful all the same. And lookie here. I found translations! I haven't had the time to read them yet, but here it is. When it's a longtime dream why is it like looking at the beginning of the end? Lost at the end of a world filled with a deep, dark sadness All of my faded happiest memories of you will from this point on forever knit up my unraveled heart with love You taught me the meaning of the words "I love you" Your smiling face will stay in my eyes quietly, forever Why were there too few chance encounters then? We can't go back to those days A harsh and difficult sadness that I can't reach no matter how painful Oh you taught me the meaning of the words "I love you" Your smiling face will stay in my eyes tenderly, forever Cause I don't have a clue what to say thinking about the world and how I changed By facing each other, it's like I figured it out Oh who am I? It won't stop me eventually we'll become one Therefore I definitely can't run away Even though the days I believed go by so far Someday, eventually, after longer experience I will love you Oh I wish that I was strong yah I wish that I was strong you got it, you got it don't lose it If the walls are caving in I'll try to keep it strong 'cause the world is moving on Ok. Ciao. I NEED TO STUDY. Sunday, May 17, 2009
More than Conquerers."And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." ~ Romans 8:28 Not the same. Friday, May 8, 2009
Sknit!. Wolverines claws coming outThwack. an arrow with a message attached hitting your chest Ack. a choking sound Bang. a gunshot Bash. a crushing sound Eayah. what you yell during karate class Dong. hitting your head on a large churchbell Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Boom. Bwish. Kapow. Zap. Bang. And comes Wave 1. Monday, May 4, 2009
Maybe. Just maybe. Maybe I've discovered more on what it means to trust.Maybe. On a less serious note. Maybe, I like alliteration. Haha. I'm surprisingly relaxed now. Maybe I'm mad. Physics is cool. YES. Sunday, May 3, 2009
I'm here taking my bazillionth break yet again. So it's the exam period for many people. Including my brother. Except for us SN girls who well, it's the same old. Just maybe 2-3 tests a week. How nice. But I'm not here to talk about that today. Since it's the exam period, it happens to be the time where my mom is the most irritable as she has decided to undertake a 'part-time' job as tutor for my Bro. And from my experience I can tell you it isn't a pleasant job at all. So the room, or actually the 3rd floor, can be said as a war zone. To add on with her pissed off mood towards the maid cos' she doesn't wanna' cut her hair(stupid honestly. I for one am not interested to see if she has some hip hairdo or something.), I have made a very wise decision and have moved all the way down to the 1st floor. Now my initial boycott of this room is because well, I love being in my room. Only, being up there also increases the risk in being caught in the crossfire. So me and my Dad tend to play the role of the refugees. But it's good here I guess. I only just realised how little time I have been spending with my retarded, mad, crazy jack Russel terrier. Despite popular belief, my jack Russel doesn't bite. She's just retarded. And hyperactive. But she doesn't bite. Yes. And even though all I'm doing is just sitting there and studying, she comes down, and lies on my toes (10 times better than when she decides to put them in her mouth). And snores. So I quite like my new position. That and the Internet is easily within reach. Like, on the other side of the table. Ok. That's enough. Back to work then. Saturday, May 2, 2009
Wow. This is like, my 100th post. The longest surviving blog I have ever had. Most of mine die out in like... a week. Not this one I suppose. Anyways, I'm thinking it's almost time for a new blogskin. But that's besides the point.Now I'm going to tell you that I'm done with WRITING my Static Electricity notes. But then again, there's the bits I totally don't get like Point Action. Rah. Plus I haven't done any practices at all. So now I'm trying to conquer Magnetism and Electromagnetism in the next hour. Or at least get the basic gist. Rah. Other than that... Trust. Belief. Faith. Surrender. Failures. Disappointments. Burdens. Distractions. So many things to think about... Friday, May 1, 2009
I'm here to announce to the world that I am officially done with Differentiation. Not bad not bad. I managed to finish it 2 days before the test. I only have 5 chapters worth of physics to cram into my teeny brain by Tuesday. No sweat.Who am I kidding. This is what happens when you trick yourself into believing there isn't any thing more pressing that you should be doing instead of fidgeting in front of the Wii and convincing yourself you're not that out of shape and all set for Napfa. I should have realised. Good balance does not make you any faster. Great. So it's a short post. But yes. I'm now making up for the 1 month hiatus I just realised I had made this blog go through. So I figure this blog must have faded into oblivion by now. Considering how it's been FOREVER since I last updated it. This phenomenon is really quite a mystery actually. Considering I'm such a slack, and that I'm always on the computer at some point in the day. I suppose it's because there hasn't been much note-worthy things to be posting about. Rah. Anyways, so I'm here now. Typing this post at 11.45 am on the morning of Labour day to tell you this blog is NOT dead. Why I'm putting emphasis on that? I don't know. Rah. But then again, I don't think telling you this blog isn't dead is helping unless I post something with substance right? But first, allow me to congratulate you on successfully reading 2 paragraphs worth of 'this blog is not dead' sentences just phrased differently each time. Back to reality then. A couple of days go, I was happily drifting around the house and finding stuff to entertain myself instead of going to school. And homework didn't even cross my mind cos' I figured I didn't have much tests or exams like midyears to worry about. Only when I went back to school yesterday, it hit me. "Die. There are like, alot. alot. alot. alot. of things to study for. Now." Was basically the general train of thought. I realised I have a knack for keeping my head in the clouds at the worse possible moment. Ok that's it. I need to FOCUS. So I think you do get my message right? That unless I find something actually particularly interesting on meaningful to post about, this blog will be... let's use the word 'quiet'. Good good. This is actually a good thing though. Unless you want to hear me telling you all about differentiation and the magnetic things of this world. |
about me
Name: Lim Xiwen Age: 16 Birthday: 17th April 1993 Proud member of Sec 4 Unity 09' IGNYTER wishlist
1. Grow in God2. Grow taller 3. More time 4. More self-control 5. To learn how to bar 6. Fufil my resolutions 7. Leave a legacy 8. Improve in football tagboard
XiyuanPuisan Chloe Tan Leryee Ben(avon) Davelle Michelle Fam Tingyan Eudee Weijie archives
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