Thursday, January 29, 2009
Went out with Huimin, Mali, Xingjun and Loo today. It was fun, but I think I've been really stone the whole day. Sorry folks. Haha. In a zoned out state as of late.Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me. ~ Ezekiel 33:7 So I've heard. I'm quite spaced out even when doing TAWG lately. Gotta' stop that. But I need some time I guess, to ascertain somethings, and to set everything back on track again. I just hope then will not be too late. In other words, I need more time, AND I need radars for ears. Asides from that, I'm proud to say I have brought my homework up to date! YAY! On the flip side, I'm going to be behind time tomorrow again. Cos' I can't do AM2. It's like, Tamil to me. Stupid Geometrical proofs. Grr. I would have put more thought into this post. But I'm still kind of spaced out. And so I shall return to my comfy cozy room and live in my own world. Tata. Tuesday, January 27, 2009
You know something? I find myself totally dumb at times. Like, say, this whole CNY. Why?1. Unlike all other hardworking Sec 4s, I have done absolutely nothing in the past 3 days. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nata(that how you spell it?). So yes. I am that prepared for tomorrow when reality hits hard. 2. I have said I've wanted to run so many times. But I'm lazy. All the time. Go figure mateys. 3. I haven't been going online with God. It's not that I don't do TAWG. I read. So it's like, I'm there, but I'm appearing Off-line. Stupid right? Yes I know. 4. I know what's wrong, but my stupid lazy nature and I-Can't-Be-Bothered-During-Hols attitude just kicks in. Stupid me. 5. I'm writing this, but not really doing much about anything. WAKE UP ME. NOW. Saturday, January 24, 2009
Dumb skin doesn't let me show my post titles. But I'll put it here, in light of the Probability test in a couple of weeks(this is found in my maths textbook-except for (iv)):Probability Revision Ex 6e - Q16 Six cards are marked with the letters F,O,L,L,O and W respectively. (a) One card is chosen at random. State the probability that it is the card bearing the letter L or O. ----------------- Ans: 2/3 (b)The cards are put face down on the table and their positions are randomly mixed. The cards are turned over one at a time. In each of the following cases, find the probability that (i)the first two cards turned over will each have the letter O marked on them, ------------ Ans: 1/15 (ii)the second card turned over will have the letter F marked on it, ------------ Ans: 1/6 (iii)the first three cards turned over are in the order L,O and W, ------------ Ans: 1/30 and (iv)all the cards are turned over in the order F,O,L,L,O and W... Worked Solution: P(FOLLOW)=1 Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I remembered what it was I thought cool today.I took a quiz when I was bored and guess what. You, my friend, are a toaster. Toasters are slightly unpredictable but generally get the job done, no-nonsense but heartily. Your answers tell me that you are rather competitive and edgy, but you know how to have fun, and you probably have a fair degree of self confidence. Yes friends. I am a toaster. Jealous much? I'll have you know only 39% of the people who took the quiz are cool enough to be toasters. So if you wanna find out if you match up? Go here. Which household appliance are you?" I have been slacking for the past 2 hours. Not something a Sec 4 student should be doing isn't it. But hey, it's week 3, and I just got hit by 3 tests in a row. You could say I'm feeling dead sick of the textbooks. But I still gotta' face them cos' I promised I'd do my homework by tomorrow. Me and my big mouth. Nothing much to talk about right now. So I'll guess I'll go sleep in my bed with my BOLSTER. Monday, January 19, 2009
Don't let go of Him now. You'd be missing out on so much, your destiny, His promises, His callings. Just so much. I've come to a point where letting go is no longer an option. And watching others do just that hurts. So needless to say, you're not an exception. You should know, of the efforts the 'radio'(go figure) has made just to see you hang on to Him. And even if the 'radio', I, or anyone else can't always be there. Know that you can always count on Him. He's always there. Whether you hear Him or not, whether you feel Him or not. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. ~ Jeremiah 29:13 Hang on. Sunday, January 11, 2009
Week 1 has just gone by. And the tests just keep coming. Not that I'm complaining alot. I mean, the worse is still to come in Term 3, so I'm told. But enough of the school stuff.Went with a bunch of Z2 folks (YES I'm young again!) to the botanical gardens last night. Haha. Learnt alot from them too. Especially after the interesting event that occured last night. Haha. One quote especially, makes me laugh. My coach always tells us: "Dumb people don't learn from their mistakes. Normal people learn from their mistakes. Smart people learn from other's mistakes." ~ Samuel Haha. Funny. Anyways, I'm feeling slightly lazy. Hence I have decided to stop mugging for maybe another hour. Haha. Which makes that 2. Jolene's probably mugging in some corner of her room. Freak. Definitely. Haha. As you can see, my brain is currently friend. Which would explain the poor flow of this post. Oh well. I'll be off and attempt to learn a new song now. Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Ok. My plan was to study the day away today. But as you should have guessed, things didn't go according to plan. I went to fix my phone(YES IT'S FIXED), and buy some clothes, and ate dinner, then my Mom ignored my desperate pleas to return to reality(which tells me I'm doomed if I don't mug) and continued shopping. So by the time I got home, no time left. I'll try and squeeze whatever I can today, but like, yeah. I'm in trouble.Anyways, I'm super happy that I'm sitting next to Pui San. Because she is the BEST physics rep I have ever seen(retired, and reminding me I need to do my homework or Mrs Khong will have my head on a silver platter), she knows where to find all the formulas in the book. In short, she's a freak. Haha. But it's fun. In a not so noisy way. Which is good. For the record though, I despise Binomial Theorem. Asides from the fact that the chapter is essentially about 4 pages long only. Which actually comforts me to a certain extent. Then again, it doesn't exactly help when you don't get nuts of the chapter. Moving on to my current fitness level... It's bad. It's sad. I ran 4 rounds a couple of days back, and I'm like, dying already. Real bad. I have got to stop pigging during recess. And stick to my 3-days-a-week-run program. Having half an hour of recess isn't helping either. Cos' even if I wanted to study, by the time I reach the library, take out my books, read the question, only 20 minutes are left. Woah. Such a conducive environment. Anyways, my dad says I need a break once in awhile. So here I am, typing. Great. I'm off then, but before I go... Then Joshua said to the Israelites: "How long will you wait before you begin to take possession of the land the Lord, the God of your fathers has given you?... ~ Joshua 18:3' Faith without action is dead. Hint hint. I refuse to get drowned and burnt by the things the world throws at me. iFocus on God alone. Saturday, January 3, 2009
I'm upset. My phone kind of messed up now. I think some connection came loose and now I can't see the screen unless I hold the screen from sliding up completely. How upsetting.Other than that. First day was good. I think we accomplished far more than we would have ordinarily. This year will be an exciting year. The only thing is. THE TESTS! AHHHH!!!!! I totally forgot there's a math test on Wednesday. And the whole hols I didn't touch maths with a 6-foot pole, which basically means I am SO dead. There are: Set Notation, Circle properties(NOOOOO) and Matrices out to nab and drag me down. I'm freaking out. And still not studying. I resolved to mug as of tomorrow. Asides from that, today we started FUEL again. It was fun. I'm going to treasure my last year in upper sec and visionaries. I love my cell lots. Ah dang. Got cut short by parents again. I had more to write about too. Drat. |
about me
Name: Lim Xiwen Age: 16 Birthday: 17th April 1993 Proud member of Sec 4 Unity 09' IGNYTER wishlist
1. Grow in God2. Grow taller 3. More time 4. More self-control 5. To learn how to bar 6. Fufil my resolutions 7. Leave a legacy 8. Improve in football tagboard
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