Sunday, November 30, 2008
So by popular demand *coughxiyuancough* the update shall commence! Right, I've been busy, slacking. You know how that takes up so much time. Been playing Audition, but it's time to stop gluing to the google-box and stop getting annoyed at my poor hand-eye coordination. So that's gone. Yippee!So then, on Halloween, I went with Mali, Pei Yi, Vala, Bwong and sis, plus Hui Min to the Halloween event at escape. It was alright, fun I guess. But I think at the end of the day we were all, in unison, "We should have gone to the Night Safari." Haha. It was still fun though. I just realised I have been MIA for a month exactly. Wow me. Can't remember exactly what has happened during the course of time so this update shall be restricted to the past one week. This week, I've been busy with the SP class down at Trinity@PL. I was the only one from my cell. Boohoo. But I still had fun. Thanks to the IJ Toa Payoh grad batch and the Sec 2s from SN. Apparently there's a bunchful of them over at PL. Cool eh. Learnt many stuff there. Like what the SPs have to do, their commitment, and responsibilities. It really makes you appreciate them so much more. Plus, I got to know more peeps like the bunches mentioned before and Sis Gwen & Lorraine. Went SALTing on Fri, at J8. Somehow me and Crystal have the knack of trying to SALT people and later on find out they're either Christian or Catholic. Haha. But that still counts. It's starting the convo that's the hard bit and turning it around into something deeper in my opinion. We SALTed one P6 girl fron SN. We were coincidentally located near one of those $1 pay per ride carousel things. She kept moving backwards, so by the time we were done, we ended up making half a round around the carousel. Haha. And we managed to get one salvation, praise the lord! Though the thing that bugs me right now is hard to make that decision count. Thankfully she's from the same school, same level as me, so I guess if I try, there will be chances for me to get to know her. After trying to a lil' though, you understand how hard the job is, and how well the SPs have done it. So after that, I rushed back to school on Friday evening, all the way from Paya Lebar for CCA camp. Made it in time for the BBQ. Thr turn-up, as expected, was pathetic. Really really pathetic. My section never fails to let me down. All the Sec 3s not from Exco that turned up would be... me. Wow. 2 Sec 2s, who later left. I dunno if Huimin(from cca not the goofball one) had valid reasons or not, but I know GuiXian didn't really have one. 2 Sec 1s. The rest went MIA. Anyways, instead of joining my actually-not-much-of-an-existence section, I joined the Exco folks. So we had to dress up as ghosts and the sort for the night trail, but in the end the night trail just fell apart. Huge miscomm caused it. Wrong clues were given out. So like, me, Ling Hui, Sarah, Sirin, Lilin and Yanling didn't get to scare anyone. The Exco people were really bummed out by it. Plus there was the annoyed and disappointed mob. So in the end, in order to make it up to them, we spend the night planning until 2 am. It was true the planning was a lil' flawed, but the Exco folks put in a lot of it. Plus the whole CCA wasn't exactly being a very cooperative bunch. People should really learn to have more empathy, and see things from other's point of view. No one really expected it to be that way. The CCA, we finally got in our heads, have a serious perspective issue. You know, the camp's objective was to bring the CCA together, if the members are all willing to cooperate, to enjoy themselves, we can do some military training and it'd still be fun. I've often been told this in the past, I never spent much thought on it before, but now I understand. "To be happy or not, to enjoy, or grumble. The choice is yours." Spent time with God after that until 3.30 am. A lot of them were like: "Is Xi Wen writing a diary?" but that's ok. Haha. Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs--he wants to please his commanding officer. ~ 2 Timothy 2:3-4 The whole day, wasn't a bed of roses, maybe I'll talk about what happened during SALTing some other time, I lost my markers(every single one of them) cos' it fell out when my bag zip came open, the piano-ruler my dad bought for me after searching(my bro lost my original one i got from my old piano teach and I was really upset about that) for 2 years got broken into 4 pieces after a couple of cars cheerily rolled over my whole pencil case, the night trail, yeap. Great fun today was. But that verse was a good reminder for me to PUSH and to persevere, to remember that God works for the good of those who love him, and that I'm out to please him, and to give the glory to him. Life is like that, there are ups and downs. But no matter which part you're going through, God is still God. Then we chatted until later on, at 4 am and ordered breakfast. I had McGriddles with warm milo, and after that, finally knocked out and 5.30 am. Haha. So essentially, I had 2 hours of sleep. So we woke up round' 8. And it was time to continue with the camp. During breakfast, the-3-who-shall-not-be-named came up and said they wanted to leave. 1 had a valid reason, 1 had half a valid reason(but it seemed pretty last minute and invalid to me), 1 had absolutely no reason. Then Wenyi told them that she would not stop them from leaving, but they should think about it. They weren't the only ones who wanted to leave, but they were the only ones who were. And you know what? They just walked off. I felt so bad for her. 1 of those who left was from my section... Enough of that then. During the Oddity game, me and Rachel went bananas with Nehneh and we just started singing like mad people and cracking lamo jokes and hints for the different groups. Haha. That was just awesome. Then during captain's ball, I couldn't stop in time so I slammed into the lamp-post thing. So now I have this cut on my wrist that makes me look like some emo-freako who slit her wrist. Haha. That said, found out I had meeting back in church at 1 pm so after camp, I had to rush back to CCAB to shower cos' apparently for security reasons, we weren't allowed to stay in school after 12 noon. So the rest pretty follows as this: Shower>>>Meeting>>>Cell>>>Service>>>Home. I did TAWG last night as well, and I was writing in my journal as usual. But somehow round' 10, my brains finally got fried and I just had to crash. Eyelids couldn't open. So this morning when I decided I needed to spend time with God some more, I found out I pretty much wrote rubbish in the last moments of slight consciousness. The stuff I wrote made no sense. Like, there was: "Stop the mutiny or he'll stop her." I'm amazed at myself really. There's more to be said on the last bit. But not tonight, maybe some other time. Like, tomorrow. Haha. There are still too many things swimming in my head. Not important but I feel like saying it anyway. This update, took the whole day. No kidding. Tomorrow there's recce down at Becky's humongous, ginormous house. Oh goody. And hopefully, if my dad feels nice(which I think he isn't), I'll get my guitar in the morning. Right then. I'm off. There is still much that needs to be done. |
about me
Name: Lim Xiwen Age: 16 Birthday: 17th April 1993 Proud member of Sec 4 Unity 09' IGNYTER wishlist
1. Grow in God2. Grow taller 3. More time 4. More self-control 5. To learn how to bar 6. Fufil my resolutions 7. Leave a legacy 8. Improve in football tagboard
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