Thursday, July 31, 2008
I'm stressed. I'm tired. I'm trying. I'm struggling.Is it really enough? Every time I try to make things more bearable. To make the times happier. I mess up. Things go awry and wrong. the whole thing backfires. Instead, I make others around me more annoyed, more tired, more disappointed. Is it the way I try? Or does everyone prefer me quiet and minding my own business. God I need you. I need that comfort, I need that renewal, I need that wisdom, I need that courage, I need that mercy, I need that forgiveness, I need that change, I need you. I'm not satisfied with the way things are. I want to be that light, the one shining bright amidst the darkness for your purpose. I want to be the one to make a difference, big or small. I see the King of Glory Coming down with clouds of fire The whole Earth shakes, the whole Earth shakes I see his love and mercy Washing over all our sin The people sing, the people sing Hosanna, Hosanna Hosanna in the highest Hosanna, Hosanna Hosanna in the highest' I see a generation Rising up to take their place With selfless faith, with selfless faith I see a new revival Stirring as we pray and sing We're on our knees, we're on our knees Hosanna, Hosanna Hosanna in the highest Hosanna, Hosanna Hosanna in the highest Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes unseen Show me how to love like you, have loved me Break my heart for what break yours Everything I have for your kingdom's cause As I walk from Earth into eternity Take my hands I lift them high They're yours not mine to do I'm ready now Do what you will I see those lines, I hear those lines. I believe. God you are my refuge and my strength. I know every trial has its reason of being. Nothing is by coincidence. I live for you. Your purpose. Not for others, not for myself. Use me as you will. Your love, grace and mercy are all I need. In you all things are possible. In you I will defy all odds. In you victory is assured. In you. I'm ready now. Do what you will. Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I wanted to blog yesterday, but I was beat by the time I got home. Training was alright. I played right and centre mid yesterday. It was tiring. Run up run down, and the field was horrid. Cos' of last fri, it was muddy and we stampeding up and down with studs, it was like ... hole-y. And mountain-y. Horrible. The ball can change direction just by landing on one of those mini Himalayas. I pity my team. I mean, they got me in it. I'm quite crap really. I have no idea what I'm doing there with skills like that. I need to improve. Like seriously. Oh and for the record, cos' I was Right mid/centre, I traded the mud for sweat in waterfall amounts. Gross.Today was alright, had the Physics test. It was like a big weight got lifted off my back. But then, it got added by 2 more rocks in the form of Trigo and Mole Concept. Wonderful ain't it? They move up the chem test, and add a WHOLE chapter more. What's wrong with them. Well I was happy right till' recess. During which someone, whom I shan't name, let her be called Lulu in a Tutu cos' I'm feeling pissed and feel like conjuring a ridiculous image in my mind, pissed me off. We were playing a form of a ball game and then I was trying to pass to her (she was at the corner of the area) but then she vanished behind me. And the ball went the other way. And she was like: You're KNS! Control the ball la! Like what? Hello? I'm supposed to pass to someone who was supposedly at the corner and vanished behind me WITHOUT eyes on the back of my head???? Hello? Newsflash! I'm kinda HUMAN and not ALIEN. So I'm still a lil' pissed right now. Right then. Cos' of that, my whole day was ruined. Until I played Bridge with Mali, Chloe, and Vala. So then I went home and stuffed my face with like 15-20 sushis. Food is like... my comfort food. Haha. When I'm happy, I eat.When I'm angry, I eat. When I'm bored, I eat. When I'm sad, I eat. Lolz. Well then, I'm procrastinating again. I'll probably start getting to work at 4.30 or something. Against my better judgement. I'll go be lame and play maplestory. Haha. Oh, and I found 2 new songs I'll add to the playlist. Ok, make that 3. A pocketful of sunshine by Natasha Bedingfield, Always be my baby by David Cook, and Rockstar by Nickelback. Monday, July 28, 2008
Haha. Yesterday was a glutton fest for me. I woke up and went for MindChamps. Then during lunch, I went with my folks to some famous chicken rice stall and ate like 2 bowls of rice. Haha. Such a pig. Then at night, I had a wedding dinner, Eric Gex2 was getting married. Haha. Gratz to him. She's not the bride but Yan Lin Jiex2 is really pretty. Not related but she's still my fave cousin since she lived with us for 3 months in Australia (by popular demand!).Went to school in a rush. I didn't even pack my bag. Just grabbed and went cos' I was running late. So sleepy... Ler Yee and Hui Min said I had red eyes. Lunch was alright, Bwong actually came down to play (*coughdietcough*) haha. A change for once. I was multi-tasking throughout the lessons. Kept studying Physics at every chance I got. And now I'm proud to say I'm 92% done. I'll just finish it up tomorrow during school when I get Jolene to teach me or something. I was originally planning on not going for training if I couldn't get it done but I did. And the cramps in my leg are gone! YAY FOR GOD! He's faithful and awesome and faithful. Haha. Now's just the issue of the ankle. Haha. I wanna play Hockey tomorrow for recess. Then I get to learn more coolio (to me) tricks and moves. As far as I'm concerned, dribbling is cool too (since it's just about the only thing I can do relatively alright) haha. Haha. And I managed to do all me sit-ups etc. today. Tomorrow I'm running with Hui Min! Yay! And then there's PE. So my teacher is Susie, well she ain't that bad as a teacher but she creeped me out last week when she was so happy she was doing layup in front of us. She was grinning like a monkey. No kidding. We're doing softball tomorrow. I wonder why we changed the name. It's actually BASEball. You know like BASE. But I prefer cricket way more. It's a cool game for cool people. So fun. I miss the times in Australia. They were so carefree. But hey, my days now are good too. To a certain extent. Sunday, July 27, 2008
I spent only 2 hours studying. And wrote NO NOTES! ARGH! Dang. It seems I'm not gonna' be sleeping tonight.So brought Ler Yee to church and all. We learnt about God-given visions for FUEL and to "Wake up" for service. Then after that, we had to wait for Jing Yi's arrival until 7.15. Haha. She didn't know where to get off so when Ler Yee walked near the bus so she could see us, she flew of the chair and out the door. Haha. We decided to go to Mad Jack's for dinner and had a Blue Mountain Beef Burger each. It was AWESOME. Out every other burger to shame really. Loved it. Then I kept rushing the both of them to finish cos' I abandoned Nick and Sis Shirlene (I forgot!) at Macs so we were gonna' meet them for dessert. And I ended up the last to finish. Dessert was Island Creamery! I had Apple Pie and Banana flavoured ice-cream. Yum. Haha. And we joined up with Sis Shirlene and Nick. Then halfway through the ice cream, Nick tried on Sis Shirlene's plastic ring thing, and it got stuck! Haha. So funny. He was trying to get it off and had to go to the washroom to use soap. Haha. After that, we started forcing Ler Yee and Jing Yi to sing. They sing really well. Free entertainment. Went home on the bus with Sis Shirlene in the end cos' I was feeling guilty for abandoning them. Oh and we took pictures, but there's only a couple on my phone and I'm kinda feeling lazy. Haha. I'll do it some other time. I feel like a glutton. Ending off, I just realised HOW VERY MUCH IN TROUBLE I'm in. Like. I won't be sleeping a lot tonight. I've gotta study for Physics, I shall write finish my noted by today. Then study/memorise finish by Monday after school, then study all the worksheets by Monday. Worst case, I'll just not go for training. I told coach already at least. Friday, July 25, 2008
I spent so much time and effort studying for the lit test, and what? It's not graded. I'd rather it be graded now. Then at least I won't feel like I was wasting my time... Next up, Physics Test...Ok last night, I woke up cos' my calf was cramp-ing. Then I went back to sleep. Woke up to go to school and found that it still feels funny. Up till' now. So gay. How do you get cramps in your leg when you're sleeping? Went with Angel, Elaine and Hui Yi to Raffles City today. Bwong was supposed to come but she's an abandoner. EVIL Bwong! I ate like 1 Mo's burger. Cheat my money. It's so puny. I should have bought what Hui Yi did, the beer batter fish thing. Tasted nice. And so much worth for money. Fast forward, went for training. We had that match with RJ. I was put in the 1st half, felt like an honour (cos' usually the 1st is the better? I think?) but got stuck in goals. Jen and Celest were great at defence today. I just stood there and stoned. Since no one managed to shoot anyway. I was kinda bored. Then in the 2nd half, I play Right back, was fun. Only thing is, the floor was REALLY muddy and slippery, plus I didn't have cleats so I kept falling every 10 steps. Sad... I need to buy cleats but like... I just bought my boots... By the way, we won RJ 3-0 in the 1st half, and 4-1 in the 2nd. Go under16! The soccer tourn in is in the 2nd week of November, I don't know if I can play in it. 1) I might be going overseas and family is more important although my dad seems to think playing for Singapore overrules that. Too bad for him. 2) I'm not sure if I'm in the team to start with. Seems like I'm only gonna' get paid at the end of next month. Oh well, I guess I can wait. I'll use that money to save for birthday gifts for my parents and brother. The leftovers will go into my binging fund as well as cleats. Oh yeah, tomorrow Ler Yee's coming to church with me! Jing Yi was supposed to as well but she's got guitar lessons. Haha. Then we're gonna' eat dinner. Which happens to consist of island creamery ice cream. YIPEE! I would say I can't wait, but the truth is, I can. Cos' I've gotta' study... Thursday, July 24, 2008
Ok. I'm stressing up. Just got done with lit (hopefully, but I'm not too confident). There's just too many tests. Why can't they line them up nicely??? Whatever happened to working relationship and good coordination? WHY MUST THEY GIVE US TESTS WHEN THEY FEEL LIKE IT??? They should just line it up neatly so we at least have a week in between to study. Dang it. I'd like to give them all those tests and see how THEY react.Hahas. I say that, but I was playing basketball after school with Bwong and Elaine and Debra (AKA Michael Jordan) and Xi Yuan. Hahas. Was funny. Xi Yuan had strange sound effects every time she threw the ball, Debra kept insisting she was Michael Jordan's descendant, Bwong was quiet as usual, but then we all know she's actually mentally unstable like everyone else on the inside. Haha. And CCA was... strange. In the sense that the whole of programming (minus Gui Xian and co.) were together for the 1st time in a long while. We were attempting to bond. And yes I said and mean attempting. My section is like so unenthu... Seriously. They should all just lighten up. And they're all sadistic people. Every time I crash into the table or drawer and whack myself by accident, they laugh. Play games, they stone. Really messed up nerve systems... Then I came home, and stuffed my face with food cos' I didn't eat recess and lunch(to busy playing basketball). I ate like, dinner, 5 slices of cake (thin ones, not thick triangle ones, even so, bad enough), some squid hing, but it was only a couple of strips, and 1 and a half donuts. PLUS I didn't do my run with Hui Min cos' I wanted to play basketball but I actually could have ran. All cos' I thought Bwong and Elaine would eat faster. Guess I was wrong. Oh well. And I didn't do sit ups or push ups! ARGH! Tomorrow is the match against RJ. It's gonna' be gross. The rain was so heavy today. Just gross. The mud, I can see/feel/smell it smeared all over my jersey and shorts now. Eww... Well then, after this test, there's Physics. Oh joy. I can't wait... Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Right. We got our a maths papers back today. Mine was crap. Everything was careless. I'm so annoyed. I'm beginning to wonder if it's cos' I've got too much going on in life hence the deterioration of marks. Ah well I'll find out soon enough. Not that I quite want to be proven right. I need to buck up. AH! Then there was the Geog paper. I think that went horribly. I had no idea what to write for the 1st 2 questions so I ended up crapping. ARGH! And the LORMS question! I had to write one more paragraph and my conclusion but NO! I just HAD to run out of time. I blame it on how horribly the question was phrased and how everyone outside of class seemed to be bent on disrupting my train of thought. There were people hammering and drilling away RIGHT outside the door. And some class turned on a movie so loud halfway through.I love to hang out with hockey people. They're all so strange. Makes me feel so sane amidst them. Haha. Xue Kun! Get well soon (in terms of your internally gross finger) so you can play with me! Me needs a basketball buddy (well another one haha) and a Hockey coach! Haha. Tomorrow's Thursday and the teacher's are gonna' play soccer again. Dang. WHY DID I JUST HAVE TO GO CHOOSE THAT TIME TO LISTEN TO MY MOM? All because she said I'm gonna' break someone's leg, I didn't join Hockey. ARGH! I regret it so much. And now I can't change cos' of my CCA points stashed up in infocomm. ARGH! I wonder if I'll be able to get proficient enough to play and join hockey in JC. I hope so. We're playing RJ this fri so I've gotta leave school earlier than normal to go play. I have a feeling I'll be chucked in the goal post again. I don't hate goalkeeping. I just don't like to miss and let them in. I feel like a let down. I felt like crap after I let in all those goals in the last match we played during Diva La Futbol. All because I didn't dive at THEM, and dove to the side. Ah well, apparently the squad needs to be cut by the end of this month. So if I get cut, I'll concentrate more on basketball and hockey. As well as ALOT more on my studies cos' I think that's suffering big time. Not to mention Hazel isn't going anymore so I'm all alone (well there's Terry and Shi Jia) at least. I really should go study lit but I'm procrastinating... I don't like to study. Reading, never mind. I like that. Studying = bad. And I forgot to do my sit-ups... AGAIN. Oddly I remembered the push ups though. Now I'm so bored, I'm downloading Maplestory. Can you believe that? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Oh and I just read Ler Yee's blog. She said: "Xi Wen is like Ecstasy, only blacker." I like, and don't like that. I like it cos' I'm cool and they mean it. HAHA. Egocentric (new word I learnt) right now. I don't like it cos' when they get withdrawal symptoms, I'll be held for medical compensation... Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Very tired...Just got back from training, dead beat. Not that it was tough, I'm just sleepy. My parents were right. I am getting burnt out. Today was alright, my lit test results were horrible and pathetic. I had every quote. I just didn't explain. ARGH! So wasted. Luckily, I think, we have another lit test this fri and I've a shot to pull my marks up. But I don't know if I can memorise everything that soon. Recess: I finally got to practice Hockey. I must say I think I've gotten alot better at dribbling then my pathetic display last friday. Like, 3 hockey girls were attempting to teach me the basics of... "How to hold the stick properly" ... sad. It was kinda fun. So I spent my recess just well... dribbling. And Elaine was like: "You know dribbling isn't the fun of Hockey." after like half an hour. Haha. So I tried a bit of shooting. Sucked. I couldn't predict where the stick was gonna' hit. And then Bwong and Chloe Tan came down near the last 15 minutes. Haha. Must be cos' we were awesome (I'm lying). Then they were like spinning in circles with the ball, they look retarded. Haha. In the end, I have a blister on the side of my thumb and the skin from my index finger came off. Stupid rough grip thing. So I'm going to arm myself with plasters tomorrow so I won't get more of em'. Haha. After school me and Hui Min went to run 2.4 on the treadmill. I felt so dumb. I didn't know how to operate the machine. I kept prodding it and erasing it cos' it wasn't the settings I wanted. Then Susie saw and appeared next to me, creepy. Then... she taught me how to use the dumb thing. Haha, I was so disturbed by her presence. Haha. Fun fun. Abandoned Debra all alone halfway through CCA to go training. It was alright, but I'm just so sick of playing goal keeper. I want something that gets more contact with the ball and less pressure really. I tried a bit of defense as well but the field is puny today. Coach did it to make us "create" space I guess but still... Then after that, Terry, Shi Jia (I think that's how you spell it), and I went to Plaza Sing (I got cheated there. They only told me I was at the stop I was suppossed to get off when the bus started moving again.) and ate ice cream. Which brings us here to me sitting in front of the comp typing this instead of studying Geog like I should. ARGH! But I feel like procrastinating. The very thought of studying irks me. But I guess I'll get moving and try. Oh yeah, testimony for the day: Yesterday I badly wanted to NOT study 听写 and cheat this morning during Chinese. But as I was doing TAWG (Time Alone with God) last night, the verse that spoke to me is "Take courage! For just as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, you must testify in Rome, too." so just to share a little, I've always said that the secret to doing reasonably well is due to God's faithfulness and mercy. So like, last time, I wasn't as pressed for time as I am now. So if I don't cheat, my testimony, in a sense, would be stronger cos' I did study it in the end at like... 10 pm. Ok, something like that. Haha. Thank God for stopping me from doing such a thing. I'm sleepy, and I need to study. So there. Bye. Monday, July 21, 2008
My Mondays are usually very amped up but not today. Geog was nagging on my mind. Still is actually. I'm just taking a break (as usual. I say that all the time). I spent 80% of the school day studying Geog and there's still loads I haven't covered. Like Channelisation and features and stuff. ARGH!!!!!!!! I'm going crazy. I've only got like...6 hours max left to study. I dunno' if I can actually get it all done. I wanna' research for material to use for the LORMS question as well but I'm worried I ain't got the time. Maybe I'll just take the example from the textbook or something, but I doubt that's gonna' be enough.And I wanted to play/learn Hockey today but it was raining really heavily so that was thrown out the window. Darn. Rainy days are so dull. They make me wanna' sleep. Oh I remember! Ms Yee was annoying today. I think she has something against me. I answered her question wrongly and she was like: "What 48." in the really you-think-you're-so-smart-but-you're-not kind of tone. I hate being accused of such things. Why is it that humans have to be so judgemental? Besides Geog there was another thing bothering me. For CME, the whole cohort went to watch Hotel Rwanda. A movie that shows racial conflicts. What the news reporter said was true: "When people watch this footage, they'll say "Oh My God. This is horrible." then go back to eating their dinners." Why is it that people can't seem to relate to one another well enough to feel those people's pain, their suffering. I'm guilty of this too. When the news of the Earthquake in Si Chuan came I was like: "Another earthquake... damn global warming." So I donated 10 bucks but is that really enough? I think we should all go beyond the monetary issues and work together to find a better solution. Money can do many things, it can rebuild the lives of the survivors, 'earthquake-proof' buildings, help jump start a fallen city. But it can't buy happiness, it can't rebuild the lives of those that were lost, it can't undo the tragedy that has already befallen people. Earthquakes and natural disasters, are to a certain extent, more forgettable. In the sense that no one alive can control the weather unless you're X-men or something. But the conflicts and bloodshed caused by humans, be it racial discrimination, being unable to let go of the past like revenge and all. Those are the tragedies that will only lead to a vicious cycle. Revenge begets revenge. And so on and so forth. And they tell us "You learn History so you don't repeat the mistakes of the past." Well that statement just got trashed. Well then, back to the books... And a song that we should all know of. Ok, Brother Andy's singing ain't that fantastic but he's singing for God and that's all that matters. It's called "I will go" on the playlist. Sunday, July 20, 2008
And the rant begins. I'm gonna turn fat!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!For 2 whole weeks I haven't ran. No sit ups no push ups no running around the estate. And like... every Sunday I stuff my face with biscuits... Something needs to be done. And so I shall start planning my new schedule like... NOW. Went for Mindchamps today. The 1st half was SOOOOO boring. I think Zobeda (teacher) is getting a lil' old. It's like, the 3rd week she's telling us the same story about her daughter. Haha. She's nice though. And just cos' I feel boasting, my group in Mindchamps is 1st for the 3rd week running! Nice try TE (Twilight-Eclipse) but LKY is always cooler! For your info LKY stands for: Lee Kuan Yew Haha. I love my group. So that's pretty much my whole day. So far. I need more excitement! But the only time I think I'm gonna' get that is during TAWG I guess. Or else it's just the books. Dumb Geog. I'm kinda not sure what I should be doing now. I wanna' study, and mug, and I don't wanna at the same time. I wanna get organised and plan a schedule for myself since it's obvious I need one bad. Argh. A successful person will go ahead with his/her plans and move forward. An unsuccessful person will always INTEND to. Dang. Sounds like I'm the latter. Time to change that I guess. I was chatting with Hui Min just now and we were like: Me: I'm fat. HM: Me too. Me: I haven't been running. HM: Me too. XIWEN RUN WITH ME!!!!! Me: Ok. And that was it. We're gonna' run on Tues, Thurs and Fri. Sorry DEBRA! Go annoy Rebecca for 20 minutes while I run! Haha. Guess I shall get to typing out whatever tempo. schedule for now in the next 5 minutes before I head for the books. Oh and before I go, here's a song that has been stuck in my head since yesterday. Scroll down to find out what. P.S: I learnt a new 'word' from Hui Min today. It is... Egg-cited Saturday, July 19, 2008
Procrastinating from studying for a bit...I overslept big time today, like, I list 3 hours that I could have been studying cos' I felt like sleeping. And I've gotta finish writing my Geog notes by tonight. Writing, not memorising. ARGH! Went to FUEL. Our cell was actually shrunken cos' Ben, Becky, Laura and Wan Ning had some school event thing. Nick didn't come as well. But then some people from the Sunday session came cos' they couldn't go tomorrow so we weren't that small. A Leader who makes a difference takes INITIATIVE. A Leader who makes a differnce has Strong Fighting Spirit Is what we learnt during FUEL. So true. Then during service, P. Gary said: "Nothing is impossible with God. Just believe... You could have failed Chinese for the whole year but with God, you will pass." And I was like "Then I guess passing SS is possible." So there. I DECLARE I WILL PASS SS WITH GOD! Oh and I was/am chatting with Brander Na... I hope she'll decide to come for training though. =) And to Jolene, Debra, and Hui Min: THANKS FOR LETTING ME ANNOY YOU TODAY WITH GEOG QUESTIONS COS' I DUNNO WHAT SHERWOOD WAS WRITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you guys. =) In the not gay way. Oh and before I go... The "altar call song" today: I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus I have decided to follow Jesus No turning back, No turning back There. No turning back. Friday, July 18, 2008
The title should say it all. Life is hectic. Here's my schedule:Mon - Nothing but then I spend about 1 hour running, 1/2 bathing, sometimes (frequently more like) 1-3 hours sleeping. That leaves like about 5 hours to study. Tue - CCA and training. That's like... no hours to study. At the most 1. Wed - Nothing but then once more, same as monday... Thurs - CCA (DARN I CAN'T PLAY WITH THE TEACHERS COS' OF THIS!) 3 hours max to study. Fri - Training plus Hockey invasion (fun) No time to study. Sat - Basketball (fortnightly) and church and FUEL. So that leaves 3 hours to study when there's basketball, and maybe 7 when there isn't. Sun - Mindchamps. 3 hours max to study. Thank god it's only 7 weeks more. Don't get me wrong, it can be fun. But I'm tired by Sunday. Haha, my chedule needs some serious working out to do. And by the way, chores such as bathing my dog and washing her cage isn't even there yet. Rats. But who am I to complain? I CHOSE this path. So I've gotta work something out. Now on to the day... A few things that I found notable: 1. Hockey Invasion --------- Yeap. I invaded hockey. I felt that there were some that detested my presence, but Elaine made it all bearable. Haha. She taught me a few moves. I'm soooo going back there again next Fri when I wait for Training. Haha. Great fun. I learned a bit of dribbling and flicking. I quite like it. I'm gonna' try it out and play during reccess on mon-wed. Had a great time there. Haha. Thanks Elaine. 2. Training --------- We learnt a new application of 1st touch today. Where you get the ball and immediately start charging. Haha cool. I must say I got quite the ego boost when they said I was quite good a goalkeeper. But I still don't quite want that job. It's so stressful. Having to save, and when you miss, I hate that feeling. Hate it. But if that's all I'm getting, then ah well. And we got the rest of our uniform! We got the socks and shorts today. I like the shorts. They're so comfy. Haha. Oh and I'm getting the white form on tues so hopefully that means I'm getting paid soon. =) Haha. Excited. 3. Basketball --------- It was notable, but the reason it's down here is cos' I found there was an element missing. It's like, the old chemistry among us was just missing. It was boring. Everyone just plays their own game, like the wanna show off or something. Well I'm probably no exception, but at least I'm aware? GAH! Excuses I guess. I'm not that bad though, at least I pass. I think the star player was definitely Siao Yi though. She didn't shoot much (maybe once), but she kept intercepting and laughing like some mental hyena and passing the ball. She was employing some football techniques (in terms of strategy) as well, dunno if she knows it though. It was great to have that teamwork between me and Vanessa at the end though. It's been so long since she actually PLAYED. You know, normally like she was having fun. Clarissa seems to not like me. Ah well. It might be my imagination. 4. Studies... --------- Well if this isn't notable, then I'm doomed to failure. I'm taking a short break and typing this now. Lolz. For no reason. But I'm in trouble. Wed is the geog test. I haven't started. And we just got told we have a lit test too. And I haven't started on that either. It involves memorising again. ARGH! I'm annoyed at myself for having lack of discipline. I should be mugging now and not doing this stuff. But it's just... the thought irks me. I want to, yet I don't want to. Ending this now then. I'm listening to "Reason" by Hoobastank. Why? Cos' it decided to play on the computer itself (shuffle mode) so yeah. Jesus the reason I live is you. For those who wanna listen to the song, a link for you. Thursday, July 17, 2008
Le'ts get this started.I decided I need something else to keep my end of the bargain. Just in case. You see, she said she wanted to watch Hellboy2. But that it was bad cos' the Devil is evil. Enough said. Never good. And then we argued about it being a compromise of our faith and how she shouldn't watch it. Then she said that what I used to watch loads of (anime) was just as bad so I challenged her and said if I never ever again watch another show like those and read manga, she wouldn't go watch. Of course she agreed. Whether she thought I would lose or not, I couldn't tell. But ah well. I'm sure I'll win. Haha. Aside from that, today was kinda crazy. We played soccer with Mr Ng (He rocks) and Mr Sam (I think) during lunch. It was pretty fun but I was melting. Then Susie came along and screamed my name. I thought I was in trouble for doing I-have-no-idea-what. But the prey her eyes were set on was actually Xi Yuan. She banned from soccer for I have no idea how long. So there, and I wanted to pon tang cca to play soccer with the teachers but her eyes were on us so we couldn't. Dang. So in our desperation, we would run out of the infinity lab at every chance we got and run to the rooftop garden to cheer for Mr Ng. Haha. Btu that wasn't enough, we ended up kicking around the NXT ping-pong ball thing as well. Haha. Then we raced out of the lab the moment CCA ended, but then the teachers already stopped playing. Mr Ng said it was because they were old. Haha. Ah well, there's always tomorrow. Before we went home, we went to suggest something to Mr Phee, but he said we should tell Mrs Goh. So I'll go look for her tomorrow morning and enter dangerous waters I never thought I'd wade in. Haha. We also went to ask how long Xi Yuan was banned from soccer (she's not even allowed near the pitch). Then Xi Yuan and Mr Phee began arguing over how Susie was and was not biased and was out for our blood. Haha. In the end, I can tell Xi Yuan wasn't convinced. But ah well, we came to a compromise. I just need to get Xi Yuan to parade in the right attire for a whole week every morning, in front of Mr Phee/Susie and the PE room and she'll be able to play after that. So my quest begins. I'm exaggerating a lot today. |
about me
Name: Lim Xiwen Age: 16 Birthday: 17th April 1993 Proud member of Sec 4 Unity 09' IGNYTER wishlist
1. Grow in God2. Grow taller 3. More time 4. More self-control 5. To learn how to bar 6. Fufil my resolutions 7. Leave a legacy 8. Improve in football tagboard
XiyuanPuisan Chloe Tan Leryee Ben(avon) Davelle Michelle Fam Tingyan Eudee Weijie archives
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